

Join HGOco in an exploration of 21st-Century opera viewing with a new streaming series themed on Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Based on personal experiences, the project shares international stories produced into a standalone, operatic short film. In each episode, Bard aficionados will be able to catch a line direct from Shakespeare's text.

  • Star-Cross'd - Boundless

    Alma seeks personal fulfillment at a crossroads in her life, and begins a relationship with an artistic soul 16 years her junior. When a shadow looms over their happy ending, Alma guides her lover Luc to his destiny. Based on a true story by Aryana Rose.

    Composed by Avner Dorman
    Libretto by Ste...

  • Star-Cross'd - Now

    Star-Cross'd - Now
    Worlds are turned upside down for two couples when a partner in each couple undergoes a gender transition. Based on true events, NOW explores losing what you thought you had and gaining something you could never imagine.
    Music by Avner Dorman
    Libretto by John Grimmett

  • Star-Cross'd - A Rose

    Star-Cross'd - A Rose
    On the day of their wedding, two lovers must confront family and class divides (as well as a lack of flowers) before the ceremony can begin. They start their lives together in their new home city, Houston, Texas. Inspired by a true story by Sneha Desai.

    Music by Kamala Sa...